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  1. Fashion Folding Cane-349011 Fashion Folding Cane-349011
    3 Options Available

  2. 368020

  3. 374669

  4. 357673


    15% Off Mobility Accessories

  5. 353933

  6. 342739

  7. One-Push Button Cane-371602 One-Push Button Cane-371602
    2 Options Available

  8. 302914


Maintaining mobility is an essential part of being independent, and walking canes are one of the best ways to ensure ongoing mobility. At Easy Comforts, we recognize that you want portable walking canes that are both practical and stylish. As you browse, you may be wondering how to make a walking cane feel natural to use. The key is to consider all of the different style options, and then choose the cane that best suits the user’s physical and lifestyle needs. We carry folding canes, ergonomic canes, walking poles and accessories you need to remain mobile.

Walking Canes to Suit Every Lifestyle

Selecting the right walking cane means considering your overall mobility needs. Every situation is different, and there’s a walking cane that suits every type of lifestyle situation perfectly. While browsing our collection, consider how much support is required from a cane and how high you need it to extend for comfortable walking. Many of our walking canes are lightweight, and some offer ergonomic features that may be important for those who prefer a stronger focus on a secure grip.

Portable Folding Canes

 Do you want a walking cane you can stash away inside of a bag or vehicle with ease? If on-the-go portability is an important factor in your decision, walking canes that feature a built-in adjustable folding mechanism is a good choice. Check out our fine collection of contemporary folding canes. When extended into a walking position, they look and perform like any other cane. However, these canes include folding points that make them ideal for taking to work or on casual outings. Made of lightweight aluminum, they’re a good option for people who need light to moderate support. Some even come with a handy strap for hanging in-between uses. Browse our folding canes to find a fun, distinctive print that best matches your style preferences.

Ergonomic Canes

This style of cane features a design that helps the user maintain a more comfortable posture and reduces the amount of pressure placed on various joints and muscles. They are also a good choice if you prefer canes with feet that can be switched at will with other tips. For tip options, look for walking cane accessories.

Walking Poles

Walking poles are metal canes with a simple vertical structure enhanced with firm-grip handles, straps and rubber tips. A telescoping design allows the poles to be adjusted for height.

Walking Cane Accessories

Sometimes, parts on your favorite walking can wear out. Luckily, Easy Comforts has got you covered in this department. Our collection of accessories includes replacement handle grips and feet tips. Now you can keep your cane and do your own simple repairs.

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