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  1. 14 Day Pill Holder-302912 14 Day Pill Holder-302912
    4 Options Available

  2. 317641

    $5.99 $3.99
  3. 311722

    $7.99 $6.99
  4. 345608

  5. 374525


Prescription medication bottles can tend to look alike after a while, and that can spell trouble for avoiding medication mix-ups. Labels on bottles can be hard to read when searching for the bottle you want before popping open the safety lid and taking a dosage. Whether you’re taking one medication, or you’re taking more than one prescription, there’s a chance you may take the wrong pill at the wrong time of day. It happens, and when it does it can lead to unintended consequences. Easy Comforts has a simple way for you to avoid medication mix-ups—get one or more of our convenient medicine organizers. A pill organizer is a simple solution that can make a big difference in the quality care, storage and use of your medications. In this collection, you can also find other simple tools that make it easier and safer to take any medication or vitamin.

Organize Pills by the Week

Pill bottles are designed for holding a certain amount of prescription medication, but they are not designed for convenience and will not help you ensure you take the correct amount of medication at the correct time each and every day. A medication organizer is the best way to solve this common medicine storage dilemma. Easy Comfort’s medication organizers can help you better organize your pills to make sure you take your medication the correct way. Our weekly pill organizer products help you plan a medication allotment for the entire week (or two weeks). Each section of the organizer is clearly labeled by day, and some also include the time of day (morning, noon, etc.). This clear labeling takes the guesswork out of knowing what pill to take and when to take it.

Organize Pills by Type

You may still want a pill organizer, but a weekly one isn’t suitable for your needs. In that case, we offer a selection of pill containers. These containers have a certain number of compartments for different pill types. You then have the option of adding customized labels to the container. Looking for a pill bottle organizer bag? We can do you one better. We carry organizers that include a convenient carry case.

Pill Cutters and Keychains

Some people prefer not to take a whole pill and want to cut it into two pieces. A pill cutter makes this task simple, and there’s no wasting medication in the process. A pill keychain is perfect for keeping lifesaving medication in a pocket, bag or purse for quick use.

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