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  1. 335239

  2. Locking Magnetic Jewelry Clasps - Set Of 4-337030 Locking Magnetic Jewelry Clasps - Set Of 4-337030
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    2 Options Available

    $8.99 $6.99
  3. Magnetic Necklace Extender - Set of 2-314574 Magnetic Necklace Extender - Set of 2-314574
    2 Options Available

  4. 345233

    $5.99 $3.99
  5. Clip On Earrings Converter-312116 Clip On Earrings Converter-312116
    2 Options Available

  6. 319056

    $3.99 $1.99
  7. 310268

    $9.99 $6.99
  8. Magnetic Jewelry Clasps S/2-302780 Magnetic Jewelry Clasps S/2-302780
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    2 Options Available

    $8.99 $5.99
  9. Silver Steps™ No Tie Stretch Shoe Laces-366371 Silver Steps™ No Tie Stretch Shoe Laces-366371
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    2 Options Available

  10. 371264

  11. Silver Steps™ Elastic Shoe Laces 3 Pair-341204 Silver Steps™ Elastic Shoe Laces 3 Pair-341204
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    2 Options Available


    20% Off Spring Sale

  12. 375665

  13. 305029

  14. 376122

    $7.99 $1.92
  15. 367731

    $12.99 $3.22

We are delighted to bring you this dressing aids collection. These are items that can make doing common dressing tasks so much easier. Many of the products featured here are ideal for those suffering from painful conditions such as arthritis, but anyone can make good use of accessories that make it easier to wear jewelry or put on a pair of socks. We offer products that help with these dressing scenarios and others. For instance, you can find shoehorns that make it simpler for tired or swollen feet to fit into shoes. We also feature items such as elastic shoelaces, zipper pulls and other useful items that make dressing for any occasion a snap.

Better Shoelaces

Have you noticed lately that lacing up a pair of shoes brings about a feeling of discomfort? Regular shoelaces may be causing various levels of hand pain and discomfort. If you struggle with the repetitive lacing and unlacing of a favorite pair of casual shoes, solve this issue with elastic shoelaces with built-in flexibility and stretch. Choose white or black to complement the style or color of your shoe.

Make Jewelry Easier to Wear

You love wearing jewelry, but you do not love spending time trying to pry open those small clasps. End the frustration of numerous attempts to conquer the stubborn clasp by using a jewelry helper. Magnetic clasps are among the more popular helpers in this category. Simply attach these ingenious clasps to your favorite necklaces and bracelets for fast and easy dressing assistance. Clip-on earring converters turn any post earring into clip-ons in seconds.

Put on Hosiery Without Strain

When you struggle with pulling on socks or stockings due to hand discomfort or stiffness, it’s time to find a dressing aids tool that can help with this common task. Help comes in the form of a hosiery pulling device. All you have to do is grab the sturdy metal handles, position hosiery onto its lower bars and pull upwards. We also have other hosiery helper options. This is a great help for those who wear regular hosiery or compression hosiery.

Pull Zippers the Easy Way

Do you ever get frustrated over zippers that are difficult to use? If so, a zipper pull can be a big help. Zipper aid tools can help you firmly grab and pull without losing your grip. Some zipper pulls can be attached to a zipper, serving as a useful decorative accent.

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