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Retro Candy Collection – Regular & Sugar Free Varieties
Sometimes it’s called retro candy and sometimes it’s called old-fashioned candy, but regardless of how it’s named, our selection of nostalgic candies is sure to satisfy your sweet tooth. We’ve included many of your favorites from childhood — the sweet treats that bring back fond memories of yesteryear. Perhaps a parent, grandparent or other relative introduced you to one or more of these timeless candies, and you’ve been a fan ever since. Maybe you remember going to the store and picking out your favorite sweets, savoring each piece to make it last longer. Go ahead and give yourself a much-deserved treat. You’ve earned it!
Soft and Hard Candies
Some candy lovers prefer hard candies that can be savored for a longer period of time, and others prefer soft, chewable candies that offer a burst of bright flavor. You can find both types in our retro candy collection. Remember gum drops, fruit slices and minty jelly leaves? We have them available for you in various assortments. If you love taffy and toffee chews, browse to find favorite flavors. Find a chewing gum tin featuring a nostalgic image to enjoy at home or to give as a gift. We also have plenty of hard candy peppermints and pops.
Chocolate-Covered Sweets
No candy selection is complete without chocolate and boy, do we have some delightful treats for chocolate lovers. Indulge yourself by choosing favorites such as chocolate sponge candy, chocolate-covered nuts with gooey caramel, chocolate toffee or a box of assorted chocolates.
Sugar-Free Selections
If you are on a restricted diet and cannot eat candy with sugar, that’s OK! We offer a selection of sugar-free candy. These offerings can vary, depending on availability, but we do our best to keep tasty varieties on hand. For instance, you might just find that we have individually wrapped circus peanuts and sugar-free circus peanuts as well as good old-fashioned regular circus peanuts. Or how about satisfying your sweet tooth with sweet treats like sugar-free fruit slices, sugar-free taffy or sugar-free hard candies and chocolates? During the holiday season, be sure to grab some festive sugar-free old-fashioned Christmas candy!
Classic Spice Drops and More
You’re never too young or too old to enjoy retro candy. Consult an old-fashioned spice drop flavor chart and decide who you want to share this colorful, nostalgic candy with. In addition to spice drops, we have classic root beer barrels, peanut brittle and plenty of other old candy favorites!
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