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Easy Comforts has so much to offer that it can’t all fit under our general categories. Here, you’ll find even more products essential to everyday living, including candy, new products, indoor activities, outdoor items, organizational tools and items under $10.

Spend Time Outdoors

We have a great selection of products that will help you stay comfortable and enjoy your favorite outdoor activities and hobbies. For cold and wet months, we have everything from waterproof shoe covers to cold weather masks that will keep you warm and comfortable.

If you have an outdoor deck or patio where you like to spend a lot of time, we have products like scare nests to keep wasps away and privacy screens that will make the space more enjoyable. For gardeners, we have folding garden seats, lightweight shears and outdoor faucet grips to make participating in your favorite hobby easier.

Enjoy Your Alone Time and Stay Organized

Being by yourself doesn’t have to be boring when you have plenty of hobbies and activities to work on. We offer a variety of puzzle books, brain games, coloring books, jigsaw puzzles and more to keep you occupied and entertained. We also have all the accessories you need like scissors, colored pencils, book holders and puzzle mats. To help you stay organized, we have bill organizers, address books, yearly planners and address labels.

If you like to snack on sweet treats, we have all your favorite candies. For fruit lovers, we carry jelly beans, sugar-free fruit slices, spice drops and lollipops. Chocolate fanatics will love our dark chocolate cherry slices, sugar-free peanut butter cups and more. We even have old classics like Circus Peanuts and Bit-O-Honey.

Find the Best Deals

For inexpensive gifts and products, check out our selection of items under $10. We have the everyday items you need, including diabetic socks, pill organizers and batteries. You’ll also find items that help with independent living like jar grips, shoe horns, light pulls and back brushes.

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