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  1.  LivingSURE™ Freedom 4-Wheel Rollator-374395  LivingSURE™ Freedom 4-Wheel Rollator-374395
    2 Options Available

  2. 354773

  3. Durable Aluminum Rollator-378541 Durable Aluminum Rollator-378541
    Icon of product feature
    2 Options Available

    $149.99 $89.99
  4. LivingSURE™ Dual Function Transport Chair and Rollator-374392 LivingSURE™ Dual Function Transport Chair and Rollator-374392
    3 Options Available

  5. 354774

  6. 374674

  7. 372006

  8. 354772

  9. Durable Steel Rollator-378539 Durable Steel Rollator-378539
    Icon of product feature
    2 Options Available

    $149.99 $89.99
  10. EZ Fold N Go Walker-351168 EZ Fold N Go Walker-351168
    3 Options Available

  11. 357851

  12. LivingSure™ Carbon Fiber Rollator-374391 LivingSure™ Carbon Fiber Rollator-374391
    2 Options Available

  13. 348709

  14. Aluminum Bariatric Rollator-367992 Aluminum Bariatric Rollator-367992
    2 Options Available

  15. Lumex® Walkabout Wide 4 Wheeled Walkers-340684 Lumex® Walkabout Wide 4 Wheeled Walkers-340684
    3 Options Available


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  16. Aluminum Rollator-372008 Aluminum Rollator-372008
    2 Options Available

  17.  LivingSURE™ Ultra-Lite Folding Rollator-374394  LivingSURE™ Ultra-Lite Folding Rollator-374394
    2 Options Available

  18. Durable Steel Rollator-345607 Durable Steel Rollator-345607
    2 Options Available

  19. Fold-N-Go Walker-Micro™-372961 Fold-N-Go Walker-Micro™-372961
    2 Options Available

  20. 375675

  21. Lumex Walkabout Wide Height-Adjustable Rollator-352816 Lumex Walkabout Wide Height-Adjustable Rollator-352816
    3 Options Available


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  22. LivingSURE™ Rollator Walker and Transport Wheelchair Combo-374393 LivingSURE™ Rollator Walker and Transport Wheelchair Combo-374393
    3 Options Available

  23. 367537


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  24. 376844

  25. Knee Walker-373232 Knee Walker-373232
    3 Options Available


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Walkers and Rollators - Rolling Walkers with Seats and More

When the time comes to choose a walking aid, let Easy Comforts be your expert guide to finding the best solution for your mobility needs. We support an active and independent lifestyle for seniors and people living with mobility issues, and the products in our rollator walker collection are designed to help give you freedom of movement.

Here, you can find high-quality, durable and well-made walkers and rollators for every type of lifestyle. Whether you spend time indoors or outside, there’s a walking aid that can help you achieve your independence goals.

Easy-to-Use Walkers

Walkers should be easy to use, and that’s exactly what we offer in this collection of contemporary walkers. Many of the walkers featured here have two wheels in the front. This design acknowledges the natural forward movement of the body when you put one foot in front of the other. The wheels help you maintain a steady gait without the need to struggle with flooring bumps or carpet snags. 

We also offer walkers without wheels that have unique features that are not typically found on many standard walker styles. For instance, you can find a walker with extra handrails that can help you get up from a seated position with ease. If you already have a standard walker that you’re happy with but wish it had wheels, we can help you out with that too: Our swivel walker wheels makes it easy to convert any standard walker into a rolling walker. The wheels come in a set of two and it only takes a moment to attach them and be on your way!

Great Selection of Rollators

Enjoy a walker with a seat and basket by choosing a rollator walker. Rollators are compact in design and serve the dual purpose of providing stable walking assistance, with the added benefit of a built-in seat. A rollator walker with a seat can give you the confidence of knowing you can walk and sit at your convenience. For example, if you are out shopping and get tired, you can simply choose to find a spot away from foot traffic to take a seat and rest for as long as you like.

Some rollator walker designs have two wheels and others have four. When deciding on a rollator walker that includes a seat, you also have a choice of style options. You can choose one with or without under-the-seat storage. Some models also include a footrest for use as a transport chair.

Another thing to consider when shopping for the best rollator walker with a seat is rollator weight. We offer rollators that are ultra-lightweight, providing you with a walking aid that can be easily carried and folded for storage. If you prefer a heavy-duty model, we offer a roller walker design that can hold up to 300 pounds and one that holds up to 500 pounds.

Convenient Walker Accessories

A traditional walker provides the stability you need to move around safely indoors and outdoors. However, you may be wondering how to convert a standard walker into one with a basket. Consider picking up one or more accessories for your walker. We carry quality walker accessories for seniors and others who wish to expand the usefulness of their walker. Find items such as walker bags, walker baskets and totes. Many of these items can be easily attached and removed whenever you like.

Want even more walker flexibility? We also carry walker trays for mealtime convenience, and you can even add plush hand grips to your walker to increase the comfort level for hands pushing down on hard metal.

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