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Complete outdoor tasks easily with our collection of practical items you can use outside the home. We have items to help you tend to your yard and garden as well as items that help you carry things from one place to another. Still other items help keep you safe while stepping into doorways, or while standing on a ladder for tasks such as cleaning gutters or hanging holiday lights. Enjoy browsing for those things that make outdoor tasks easier.
Safety Steps and Ladders
When you’re coping with leg pain or discomfort or using a mobility device, lifting your legs and maneuvering over doorway thresholds and curbs is anything but easy to do. Stiffness or pain can throw off your equilibrium, putting you, or a loved one, at risk of injury. Our portable mobility steps and ramps are a simple solution, and we offer them in solid block and foldable styles. Solid blocks are ideal for permanent placement and foldable steps can be used on-the-go.
Need a good, solid ladder that’s also safe for seniors? We can help you out. Ordinary ladders can be intimidating—not ours. That’s because our ladders come with sturdy frames, solid feet and firm-grip handles and rails. Find the best safety ladders for home use in this collection.
Rolling Carts and Tables
Forget about carrying heavy bags of groceries and goods to the car, bus or train. This collection offers a wonderful selection of rolling carts for holding all sorts of items. Find your dream shopping cart right now, a cart for hauling tools around the yard, or one for work or volunteer service. We also carry rolling tables for use indoors.
Useful Items for the Home
Enjoy browsing our outdoors collection for an array of items such as weatherproof grill and outdoor furniture covers. You may also find decorative items for the yard, privacy screens and even something to repel those pesky critters from your premises.
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