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  1. 305298

    $14.99 $12.99
  2. 377908

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  3. 346147


    20% Off Select Bathroom Safety

  4. 354066

  5. 306441

    $16.99 $14.99
  6. 329864

  7. 334974

  8. 374672

  9. 346120

  10. 377058

  11. 346181

  12. Rubber Safety Mat with Microban-354799 Rubber Safety Mat with Microban-354799
    2 Options Available


    20% Off Select Bathroom Safety

  13. 374673

  14. 346034


    10% Off Spring Sale

  15. 377059


    20% Off Select Bathroom Safety

  16. 358607

  17. 303213


    10% Off Spring Sale

  18. 303215


    20% Off Select Bathroom Safety

  19. 375879

    $7.99 $5.99
  20. 361732


    20% Off Select Bathroom Safety

  21. 358606

  22. 359673

  23. 359674

  24. 357782

  25. 374010

  26. 372300


    20% Off Select Bathroom Safety

  27. 376801

  28. 372437

    $16.99 $5.02
  29. 370472

    $79.99 $32.12

As you get older, it can get easier and easier to take a misstep that leads to a dangerous fall in the bathroom. It can also get more difficult to raise and lower yourself to the toilet and step in and out of the shower. Help prevent accidental falls that lead to potential injuries by shopping the selection of bathroom safety products from Easy Comforts. Some of these bath safety products include shower and tub grab bars, shower chairs, safety tub steps, non-slip bath mats, toilet chairs and raised toilet seats.

As you consider what type of bathroom safety equipment you need most urgently, you may want to focus on improving balance or avoiding slip-and-fall mishaps. These are key factors that come into play for anyone concerned about bathroom safety. Fortunately, solving both issues can be done quickly by choosing bath safety products designed for easy use.

Shower Grab Bars and Stools

One of the most dangerous areas of the bathroom is the shower. It’s easier than you may think to step the wrong way or slip on a puddle of water and end up in a bad fall. This is why shower safety is so essential for anyone who regularly uses a shower. One of the easiest ways to avoid this mishap is to install bathroom rails. You can usually find this bathroom safety product listed as a grab bar and they come in various styles and sizes. We offer suction cup grab bars that are the easiest to install in your shower or tub. Choose a safety grab bar that attaches directly to the shower wall if you take more showers.

Alternatively, you can opt for a handle style grab bar that installs on the edge of the tub and provides stability for both baths and showers. Once installed, these bars provide peace of mind because there is something sturdy to grab ahold of should you lose your balance. You can also make the shower a bit safer and more comfortable by adding a convenient shower stool or chair. These shower chairs allow you to rest your legs while you wash and help you avoid nasty slips by minimizing the time that you’re on your feet.

Shower Mats and Safety Steps

There are other helpful bathroom safety products that are simple to use. If you do plan on standing in the shower, make sure the shower floor has plenty of traction. Keep large pools of water from collecting in the tub by installing one of our bathroom rubber safety mats in your shower. These mats have a rough texture and suction cups for a non-slip grip under your feet.

Another safety concern for the shower stall that includes a bathtub is a high tub wall that can be difficult to step over when you’re exiting the shower. Make the step a bit less of a stretch with one of our bath safety steps. Choose a fixed safety step or an adjustable bath safety step. Textured platforms make it easier to keep your balance while a foot is on the step. They may also include features such as a built-in handrail or the ability to stack one step on top of another.

Toilet Accessories for Independent Living

Sitting on and rising from the toilet can be difficult and dangerous if you have bad joints or weak muscles. Make these common movements easier by installing one of our safety support handles or a full toilet chair in your bathroom. Another great option is to bring the toilet seat a bit closer to you by installing a raised handicap toilet seat or a toilet seat riser. View the solutions in our Toilet Aids collection for more bathroom safety ideas.

Are suction grab bars safe?

Suction grab bars can be a convenient option for those who need additional support in the bathroom or shower, but it's important to use them safely and correctly. Here are some things to keep in mind:

  1. Surface: Suction grab bars are designed to be used on smooth, non-porous surfaces like tiles, glass or fiberglass. They may not work properly on textured surfaces.
  2. Installation: Make sure to follow the manufacturer's instructions carefully when installing the suction grab bar. It's important to clean and dry the surface before applying the suction cups.
  3. Weight limit: Check the weight limit of the suction grab bar before using it. Some models may not be suitable for heavier individuals.
  4. Inspection: Regularly inspect the suction grab bar for any signs of wear or damage that could compromise its safety.
  5. Proper usage: Use the suction grab bar only as intended - for support while standing up or sitting down, not as a means of pulling oneself up from a seated position.

While suction grab bars can provide added safety and support in the bathroom, they should never be relied upon as a sole means of stability or security. If you have concerns about your safety in the bathroom, consult with a healthcare professional who can provide guidance specific to your individual needs.

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