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  1. Silver Steps™ Diabetic Crew Socks, 3 Pairs-373355 Silver Steps™ Diabetic Crew Socks, 3 Pairs-373355
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  2. Diabetic Crew Socks, 2 Pairs-344223 Diabetic Crew Socks, 2 Pairs-344223
    6 Options Available

  3. Graduated Compression Diabetic Calf Sock-348394 Graduated Compression Diabetic Calf Sock-348394
    20 Options Available

  4. Silver Steps™ Quarter Cut Diabetic Socks, 3 Pair-374143 Silver Steps™ Quarter Cut Diabetic Socks, 3 Pair-374143
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  5. Silver Steps™ Diabetic Extra Plush Crew Socks, 3 Pairs-373356 Silver Steps™ Diabetic Extra Plush Crew Socks, 3 Pairs-373356
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  6. Diabetic Ankle Socks, 3 Pairs-339943 Diabetic Ankle Socks, 3 Pairs-339943
    8 Options Available

  7. Silver Steps™ Low Cut Diabetic Socks, 3 Pair-374149 Silver Steps™ Low Cut Diabetic Socks, 3 Pair-374149
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  8. Graduated Compression Diabetic Crew Sock-348395 Graduated Compression Diabetic Crew Sock-348395
    15 Options Available

  9. Silver Steps™ Cool & Dry Quarter Cut Diabetic Socks, 3 Pair-374148 Silver Steps™ Cool & Dry Quarter Cut Diabetic Socks, 3 Pair-374148
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  10. Silver Steps™ Cool & Dry Crew Cut Diabetic Socks, 3 Pair-374142 Silver Steps™ Cool & Dry Crew Cut Diabetic Socks, 3 Pair-374142
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  11. 371090

  12. Silver Steps™ Extra Plush Quarter Cut Diabetic Socks, 3 Pair-374147 Silver Steps™ Extra Plush Quarter Cut Diabetic Socks, 3 Pair-374147
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  13. Silver Steps™ Twisted Yarn Cozy Diabetic Socks, 2 Pairs-372981 Silver Steps™ Twisted Yarn Cozy Diabetic Socks, 2 Pairs-372981
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    $14.99 $5.92
  14. 369994

    $9.99 $3.92
  15. 355183

    $12.99 $2.62

Diabetic Socks for Men and Women

Diabetic socks enhance blood circulation in your legs while keeping your feet cool and dry, and you’ll find a fine selection at Easy Comforts. Our diabetic sock shop is stocked with diabetic socks for men and women in a range of different colors, materials and styles. In addition to the standard black, beige, brown, grey and white socks you find, our diabetic socks for women come in pastel colors like pink, purple and blue. Other women’s options include nylon ankle hose and knee-high sheer hose.

Making the Switch to Diabetes Socks

A diagnosis of diabetes can be a life-changing event, especially for adults who are now facing a new reality that includes learning how to live with this common disease. Managing your diabetes and its symptoms is a must in order to continue to maintain an independent living lifestyle. Easy Comforts is committed to helping you do this with our online diabetic sock shop. If you enjoy wearing socks and hosiery style socks, this collection of curated diabetes socks can be beneficial to your quality of life.

Diabetes socks are specially designed for people who are experiencing circulatory problems that affect the legs and feet. In addition to providing support for diabetics, these socks can also be helpful for those suffering from edema or neuropathy. Making the switch is easier because there are a range of styles that complement everyone’s sock style preferences. Crew socks, quarter cut socks and knee high socks are all popular styles that you can continue to wear, with the main difference being these socks offer elevated comfort. Check out our compression hosiery styles for additional support options.

Sock Styles & Features to Meet Your Needs

Cotton diabetic socks are another staple in our collection, featuring pillow-soft, non-binding socks that stretch to more than 10 inches. If you’re looking for a pair to keep your feet warm and cozy in winter weather, diabetic wool socks are also in our lineup. Made with a wool blend, these socks combine the comfort and warmth of wool with support, protection and moisture-wicking properties for diabetic feet.

The wool socks hit around mid-calf, as do many other styles we stock. But you’ll also find diabetic ankle socks, plush quarter-cut socks and over the calf diabetic socks. Many of our ankle socks come in a variety of colors and are sold in packs of three so you always have an extra pair or two on hand. Our over the calf socks also come in a variety of colors, and they feature graduated compression, low-profile seams and padded soles.

Diabetic Socks for Women & Men

Both our women’s and men’s diabetic socks are made of quality materials and designed for daylong comfort. You’ll get the support, warmth and protection your feet need, all in non-binding socks you can wear for any activity with style. You no longer have to spend hours hunting for diabetic socks that suit your needs. You’ll find them right here at Easy Comforts.

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