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At Easy Comforts, we offer a wide range of independent living products for home and travel that help you live safely and comfortably. Whether you are seeking senior independent living products or independent living accessories for those who need extra assistance, we have just what you need. Find products that make your home environment safer, products for improved personal comfort and products that offer convenience.

Aids for the Bathroom and Kitchen

The bathroom and kitchen are both areas in your home that have their own set of safety and comfort challenges. Independent living aids addressing these areas can have an immediate impact on your quality of life. For instance, a toilet support device can help one safely rise and sit. Placing a sturdy seat in the bath or shower stall makes it easier to safely cleanse and bathe. In the kitchen, one of the mose useful items one can have on hand is a tool that helps open jars and a can opener that turns easily without causing hand strain. Find these and other bathroom safety and kitchen helpers by browsing both categories.

Indispensable Home Helpers

There are certain items that are so convenient that once you have them, you can’t imagine what you ever did without them. At Easy Comforts, you can find many of these useful home helpers by browsing the Home category. A rolling tray table comes in handy when you want to eat a meal in the living room or bedroom or need a portable hard surface for writing and other tasks. Find items that make your recliner more comfortable, or portable steps and ladders that make it simpler and safer to reach tall shelves or cupboards.

Convenience on the Go

Get a mobile shopping cart for holding groceries or a general-purpose cart for around the home. We offer cushions that make sitting in a car seat more comfortable, handicap placards for parking spots and items such as night driving glasses and LED flashlights that help you see where you’re going in low light conditions.

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