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Staying independent means staying mobile, and at Easy Comforts, we help you get from here to there in the safest way possible. We offer a range of senior mobility aids and mobility assistance devices for indoors and outdoors. Everyone’s mobility needs are different, which is why we offer the latest in mobility canes, rollators, walkers and wheelchairs. You can also find a variety of mobility accessories that boost confidence and comfort.

Walking Canes for Support

Whether you need temporary support or ongoing support for walking, a cane provides stability and balance when its most needed. Contemporary canes come in different styles and designs, making it easier to find one that suits your particular walking needs. Our selection includes collapsible and folding canes, canes for general walking and canes that help boost posture. There are bariatric, offset and quad style canes. Some canes are quite fashionable, and we also offer walking poles for stability when walking for exercise. Need a cane tip? We’ve got a wide variety of options for you.

On-the-Go Mobility Aids

There’s no reason to put off shopping or going on trips with friends when you have a rollator at your disposal. We feature a standard rollator with a bag for carrying small items, or opt for a rollator with a seat and storage. Both options are lightweight mobility solutions for an active lifestyle. Need a walker? Our senior mobility selection includes walkers with and without wheels. Plus, you can find walker accessories such as bags, baskets and glides for enhanced walking.

Quality Mobility Accessories

When browsing mobility devices, be sure to take a look at the mobility accessories section. There, you can find convenient senior mobility aids such as portable ramps and steps that make entering or exiting porches, thresholds and doorways safer. This section also offers items such as pressure reducing cushions for wheelchairs, bags and baskets that attach to walkers, walker coasters and plush armrests.


How to get mobility aids?

Mobility aids, such as wheelchairs, walkers, and canes, can make it easier for those with physical disabilities to get around. It is important to choose the right aid that fits your individual needs, as well as to get the proper training on how to use it safely.

When shopping for a mobility aid, it is important to consider your individual needs. If you have limited upper body strength, for example, you may need a wheelchair that is power-assisted. If you are able to walk with a cane but need additional support, a walker may be a better choice. Ask your doctor or physical therapist for advice on which type of aid is right for you.

Once you have chosen a mobility aid, get trained on how to use it safely. Most manufacturers and suppliers offer training programs, and your doctor or physical therapist can give you advice on which program is best for you. Make sure to practice in a safe environment until you are comfortable and confident with your new aid.

Finally, make sure to take care of your mobility aid. Read the manufacturer's instructions for proper cleaning and maintenance, and inspect the device regularly for any signs of damage. Replace your aid when necessary, and never use a second-hand aid that is not in good condition.

Following these steps can help you find the right mobility aid for you and use it safely.

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