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  1. 317553

    $7.99 $3.99
  2. Adult Terry Bib-353308 Adult Terry Bib-353308
    3 Options Available

  3. 302899

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  4. 341868

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  5. 311503

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  6. 378394

  7. Waterproof Shirt Protector-349002 Waterproof Shirt Protector-349002
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  8. 337849


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  9. 312218

  10. 335338

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  12. 374750

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  13. 320819

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  21. 372860

  22. 304655

  23. 376861

  24. 372220

  25. 374493

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  28. 372991

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    $49.99 $24.99
  33. 375052

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  34. 371751

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  35. 372357

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  36. 370891

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  37. 372851

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  38. 374489

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  39. 373207

    $7.99 $3.12

If you’re looking for adaptive kitchen equipment or helpful kitchen tools for arthritis patients, you’ve come to the right place! Easy Comforts offers many kinds of assistive kitchen devices for those with dexterity issues — or anyone who wants to make food preparation and serving easier. We have can and jar openers, easy-grip utensils and holders, adult bibs and shirt protectors, lap trays, plate bumpers, double-grip mug and assistive eating utensils from Power of Red™.

Handy Kitchen Devices

To aid in food preparation for those with dexterity issues, we offer a wide range of kitchen tools. There are products such as easy-to-use can openers and jar openers, easy-grip spatula and baggy holder, covered ice cube trays, elastic bowl covers and a pineapple slicer and corer.

Lap Trays, Napkin Clips and Adult Bibs

Lap trays with convenient handles make it easy to serve meals. Models include an extra-deep lap tray with easy-grip handles, and a single-handed lap tray that leaves a hand free to hold on to a railing, cane or other support. There is also a sturdy lap desk that can be used for writing letters or paying bills.

For use at home or when visiting family or out at a restaurant, we have adult bibs, clothing protectors and napkin clips. Choose from disposable or decorative and reusable shirt protectors; terry, waterproof or tailored adult bibs and handy napkin clips, which are great for restaurant dining.

Easy-to-Use Kitchen Utensils and Dinnerware

Whether it’s a set of built-up handles that make eating utensils easier to grip, a stabilizing utensil strap or a double-grip mug, we have kitchen utensils and other dining products that improve the lives of those with dexterity challenges. A plate bumper is another clever product, as it forms a wall that holds food on the plate for easier scooping with a spoon or fork. 

The Power of Red Assistive Eating Utensils

The Power of Red is an innovative assistive eating utensil supplier that specializes in products for disabled adults. These items include a nose cutout cup that can be used without having to bend the head back, bowls and dishes with a suction base and reverse curve that makes food retrieval easier, and adaptive utensils that have large handles and can be bent and angled for simpler use. These products are colored red because studies have shown that eating with red bowls, dishes and utensils can enhance food consumption for Alzheimer’s and dementia patients.

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