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  1. 317553

    $7.99 $3.99
  2. Adult Terry Bib-353308 Adult Terry Bib-353308
    3 Options Available

  3. 302899

    $3.99 $1.99
  4. 341868

    $7.99 $4.99
  5. 311503

    $6.99 $4.99
  6. 312218

    $24.99 $16.99
  7. 335338

  8. 374750

    $14.99 $9.99
  9. 377591

  10. 370894

  11. 302578

  12. 375945

  13. 311551

  14. 375058

  15. 371843

  16. 371633

  17. 377580

  18. 372860

  19. 304655

  20. 372220

  21. 374493

  22. 378596

  23. 372991

  24. 370889

  25. 370899


    40% Off Spring Sale

  26. 371631

    $12.99 $5.12
  27. 375052

    $7.99 $3.12
  28. 371751

    $29.99 $13.42
  29. 372357

    $19.99 $7.92
  30. 370891

    $12.99 $5.12
  31. 372851

    $9.99 $3.92
  32. 370895

    $8.99 $4.22
  33. 373207

    $7.99 $3.12
  34. 371841

    $5.99 $3.12
  35. 373406

    $14.99 $3.12

Adaptive eating utensils for seniors and others with reduced dexterity greatly enhances the quality of life and makes eating meals more pleasurable. These daily living aids for the kitchen and dining room include products such as double-grip mugs, napkin clips, shirt protectors, utensil straps, adult bibs, extra deep lap trays, one-handed trays and grip-aids for utensils.

Lap Trays, Grip Aids, Plate Bumpers and Utensil Straps

An easy-to-use, non-slip lap tray is helpful for those with limited dexterity, and you’ll find convenient one-handed trays and extra-deep lap trays with easy-to-hold side handles among the items in this collection. Double-grip mugs and grip aids for ergonomic handles help those with dexterity issues to eat and drink, while plate bumpers provide a “wall” that makes it easier to scoop up food.

Adaptive Equipment for Eating

Adaptive eating devices have become essential items for independent living, especially for seniors. This category of assistance aids is designed to make the entire process of eating meals of all kinds much simpler. For instance, main idea behind adaptive utensils is to reduce or eliminate the need to put undue strain on sensitive joints and muscles. Among this collection you can find a selection of modified drinking cups and mugs and/or eating utensils.

Adult Bibs and Clothing Protectors

We offer various bibs and clothing protectors to keep clothes clean while eating, and they also allow for faster cleanup. There are waterproof bibs and shirt protectors, discreet tailored bibs and disposable shirt protectors.

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