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While it’s not fully known where aromatherapy was invented, the practice of using aromatic oils to enhance mood is believed to have originated in China. In Greece, Hippocrates may have practiced aromatherapy for healing purposes, long before it was widely known. However, it was a French chemist who invented the word in 1937, when he used lavender oil to help heal a burn, and French surgeon Jean Valnet used various essential oils during World War II to heal soldier’s wounds.

Today, aromatherapy is well-known as a holistic healing treatment. At Easy Comforts, we offer a wide selection of high-quality essential oils in addition to plastic and ceramic diffuser devices, including a Himalayan salt aromatherapy diffuser. You can also find an aromatherapy oils set, which makes a great gift.

Aromatherapy Diffusers

We have various high-quality aromatherapy diffusers, including a ceramic diffuser, USB humidifier and diffuser and ultrasonic oil diffusers that are made from durable plastic but have the appearance of bamboo. These special aromatherapy diffusers also provide relaxing LED lighting and automatically shut off when dry, making them excellent for nighttime use. Using light as well as aroma is known as chromatherapy. Combining the two together delivers powerful relaxation and healing. Humidifiers and misters diffuse essential oils while moisturizing dry air.

Premium Essential Oils

Choose from various kinds of 100% pure essential oils, such as cedarwood, eucalyptus, lavender, lemon, lemongrass, peppermint, rosemary, frankincense and sage. See each product detail page for the essential oil’s beneficial properties. We also offer Pest-B-Gone essential oil, which naturally repels insects while it enhances your mood.

If you’re just starting out with aromatherapy or wish to find a unique gift for a loved one, see our aromatherapy essential oils and diffuser kits.

Himalayan Salt Lamps

Himalayan salt lamps, carved from pink Himalayan salt, are thought to have certain health benefits, such as being able to boost one’s mood, enhance sleep and clean the air. When lit, they also create a cozy pink glow. We offer Himalayan salt lamp diffusers that combine the benefits of Himalayan salt and aromatherapy for a relaxing ambience. You can purchase the lamp itself or as part of an aromatherapy kit with various essential oils.

Aromatherapy Supplies

To help maintain your aromatherapy diffuser for optimal relaxation and healing, we have diffuser cleaning tablets and aromatherapy refill pads.

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