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  1. Mesh Laundry Bag-355109 Mesh Laundry Bag-355109
    Icon of product feature
    2 Sizes Available

    $7.99 $2.99
  2. 303515

  3. Tufted Booster Cushion-351789 Tufted Booster Cushion-351789
    3 Options Available


    10% Off Spring Sale

  4. 302634

  5. 351166

  6. 355605


    15% Off Mobility Accessories

  7. 345652

  8. 378635

    $19.99 $12.99
  9. 374868


    5% Off & Free Shipping with Auto Refill sign up

  10. 312218

  11. 369649

  12. 12" Atomic Clock-305509 12" Atomic Clock-305509
    2 Options Available

  13. 347064

    $12.99 $8.99

    10% Off Select Bedroom Necessities

  14. 312340

    $5.99 $3.99
  15. 338119

    $39.99 $29.99
  16. 377085

  17. 337164

  18. 303194

  19. Sueded Armrest Covers, Set of 2 by OakRidge™-378378 Sueded Armrest Covers, Set of 2 by OakRidge™-378378
    2 Options Available

  20. 347640

  21. 373590

  22. 367456

    $24.99 $19.99
  23. 378632

    $19.99 $14.99
  24. 303212

    $6.99 $3.99

    5% Off & Free Shipping with Auto Refill sign up

  25. 338232

  26. 376560

  27. 378377

  28. 347886

  29. 339403


    10% Off Select Bedroom Necessities

  30. 358580

  31. 375598

  32. 344953

  33. 338139


    10% Off Spring Sale

  34. 359614

  35. 370593

  36. 370713

  37. 372930

  38. 345611

  39. 377649

    $149.99 $89.99

Home is where the heart is, and Easy Comforts is where you can find many great products that make home life more comfortable. Browse our home collection to find products that enhance your relaxation time in your favorite recliner, ingenious gadgets that help you turn light switches and doorknobs, stools that help you reach high-placed objects and more. Find air fresheners, rolling carts and tables and tools that assist with various tasks such as grabbing things from the floor or vacuuming the carpet. You may find yourself choosing one or more items because they are all so useful to have around the home. This includes a full range of extremely useful independent living products for seniors, so that they can have maximum mobility and optimal health in the comfort of their own homes.

Accomplish Tasks the Easy Way

When you choose accessible home products from Easy Comforts, you are choosing to simplify those everyday things that you do around the home. Simplification can enhance your way of life, especially when it comes to aids that help you accomplish certain tasks. For instance, many tasks involve lifting your arms up high and straining to reach items placed on shelves or on top of bookcases, cabinets or cupboards. Keep safe and avoid physical strains with our selection of portable step stools and ladders with secure rails. Grab items that are too far away with an easy-to-operate grabber tool.

Relaxation Essentials

Relaxing in your favorite recliner can be even better than you imagined when you add a cozy recliner cover. These covers can also protect your recliner from pet hair, stains and dirt. Simply wash the cover when it gets dirty and you’re all set. With a recliner handle extender installed, there’s no more straining to adjust your chair. When you want to rest your legs and feet on something plush, choose a padded footrest that can be folded and stored nearby.

A Range of Household Helpers

There are other wonderful household helpers that can boost your daily level of comfort. How about a sensor lamp that turns on when motion is detected? Or pick out a lightweight vacuum, rolling table, toilet support rails for the bathroom or any of our other practical products to make your day-to-day easier.

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