Fashion Folding Cane

This fashion folding cane’s cheery design will put a confident spring in your step.


Need a little extra support while walking? This fashionable walking cane offers excellent support and a foldable feature that makes it ideal for indoors and outdoors. Designed for those who want a cane that is reliable and visually appealing, this folding cane has everything you need to get from one place to another while enjoying the sturdy support of a modern cane.

Made from durable aluminum, the cane has a lightweight feel, making it easy to lift while walking and carry when folded. The sleek-looking shaft can be adjusted to heights between 31 2/3" and 35 2/3" for walking comfort. And it can easily support a person’s full body weight up to 250 pounds. The ergonomic handle has a smooth, comfortable surface. At the other end, a large non-skid rubber tip ensures you remain securely upright with every step.

The collapsible cane folds into several sections for storage, and it includes a convenient strap for hanging on a hook. Available in four fashion styles: black and white, floral, fuchsia floral and polka dot.
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