A message to our valued customers,
We hope you and your family had a happy holiday! It’s a new year, and we’d like to start it off right by saying a big “thank you” to loyal customers like you. Thanks to you, we shipped thousands of items in the holiday season alone, and we’re taking that gratitude straight into 2022. This year, you can continue to count on Easy Comforts to bring unique items and great deals right to your door.
It’s never been easier to shop Easy Comforts from the comfort of home. Our online shopping experience at EasyComforts.com is quick, safe, and more convenient than making the trip to the store. No matter what you’re looking for, our functional everyday helpers, health and wellness items, as well as convenient kitchen, home, incontinence, and personal care products are here to suit your every need, all at deals you won’t find elsewhere.
As we look forward to a bright new year, know that Easy Comforts is there for you and all your shopping needs. Look for even more incredible values, exclusive products and hard-to-find helpers in the coming months when you shop online. And if you have any comments or ideas to share with us, our line is always open at easycomfortscsr@silverstarbrands.com.
Wishing you a safe and happy New Year,
The Easy Comforts team