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A message to our valued customers,


We are Open and We are Here for You!

Home deliveries are expected to hit record highs this season. In light of this news, I encourage loyal customers like you to order without delay so your purchases don’t encounter potential shipping delays or backorders.


As General Manager of Easy Comforts, I’m proud to stand by a team of fantastic individuals who have worked hard throughout the COVID crisis this year to provide quality service to you, the customer.  We’re doing everything we can to ensure your orders ship in a timely manner in the coming months, from keeping our warehouse stocked with inventory to managing our shipping capacity with delivery services.


Now is the time to look to Easy Comforts for the quality products you need to make daily life easier and more comfortable


Please order now for the best selection and delivery times to beat the rush.


If you have any questions, visit us online at easycomforts.com or give us a ring at 1-800-308-1384. We’re here to help.


Wishing you all the best this winter,

Thank you,

Genalyn Judkins
Brand Manager of Easy Comforts


Visit Our Homepage

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