Set of Hot Tamales & Mike and Ike Candy, 32 oz.

A classic candy combo.


Get ready to satisfy your sweet tooth with a duo of classic candies that have been delighting generations! Mrs. Kimball's Hot Tamales deliver a fiery burst of cinnamon with their chewy outer shell and spicy filling, perfect for cinnamon lovers looking to "Get Fired Up!®" Since 1950, this hot cinnamon candy has been a favorite treat in movie theaters and homes across the USA. For a fruity twist, Mrs. Kimball's Mike and Ike Candy offers a delicious mix of chewy, oblong treats in flavors like cherry, lemon, lime, orange and strawberry. Introduced in 1940, these fruity favorites have been a go-to snack for candy dishes and movie-goers alike. Both varieties come in 16-oz. bags for a total of 32 oz.
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