Energy Balance Bracelet

Restore free-flowing harmony to your body's energy field.


Have you ever felt a bit off-center? This Energy Balance Bracelet is an easy way to restore your physical, spiritual and mental state to its natural balance. Also known as a power balance bracelet, this biological energy system includes a multicolored center hologram that provides you with an ongoing source of subtle power. The hologram is embedded into the bezel, which is attached to the silicone bracelet. It is modern, unique and unlike any other type of energy producing wristband. Slip it on and wear it alone, or with other jewelry, to help with the improvement in your overall sense of well-being.

This energy bracelet power band may also help restore feelings of calm while reducing nervous tension. The neat thing about this bracelet is that it works silently without the need for outside energy sources. As soon as you put it on, the bracelet connects with your unique energy, and as you go about your day, you may notice improved levels of concentration, flexibility, balance and restfulness. Choose Small, Medium or Large.
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