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  1. 353625

    $11.99 $8.99
  2. 351166


    10% Off Winter Sale

  3. 335037


    15% Off Mobility Accessories

  4. 345652


    30% Off Winter Sale

  5. 338119

    $39.99 $29.99
  6. 355605


    15% Off Mobility Accessories

  7. 302720


    15% Off Mobility Accessories

  8. Super Big Foot Cane Tip-360728 Super Big Foot Cane Tip-360728
    Icon of product feature
    2 Options Available

    $14.99 $9.99
  9. Pressure Reducing Cushion for Wheelchairs-359267 Pressure Reducing Cushion for Wheelchairs-359267
    2 Options Available


    15% Off Mobility Accessories

  10. 332480


    15% Off Mobility Accessories

  11. 332833

  12. 341754

  13. 345583


    15% Off Mobility Accessories

  14. 348067


    15% Off Mobility Accessories

  15. 302832


    15% Off Mobility Accessories

  16. 342738

    $14.99 $7.99
  17. 349607

  18. 345420


    15% Off Mobility Accessories

  19. 377504


    15% Off Mobility Accessories

  20. 349074


    15% Off Mobility Accessories

  21. 357066

  22. 377908

    $8.99 $3.99
  23. Sherpa Wheelchair Armrest Cover Set 2-331837 Sherpa Wheelchair Armrest Cover Set 2-331837
    Icon of product feature
    2 Sizes Available

    $14.99 $9.99
  24. 374671


    15% Off Mobility Accessories

  25. 358867

  26. 303194

  27. 357781

  28. 376549

  29. 331838

    $14.99 $11.99
  30. 377566

  31. 373321

    $19.99 $5.42
  32. 370574

    $19.99 $8.92

Mobility Aids – Heavy Duty Grabber Tools

Physical mobility is a key factor in maintaining a good quality of life for independent living. When mobility is limited for any reason, you don’t have to accept the situation and make do. Instead, you can browse this collection of practical and innovative mobility aids that can assist you, or those who need assistance, with basics such as getting from one place to another, reaching and grabbing items from hard-to-reach places. We also offer a range of useful accessories that assist one’s ability to remain mobile.

Best Transport Chairs and Walkers

Anyone who is experiencing challenges with mobility can find two great solutions to accommodate their needs. The first one is a transport chair. These chairs are specifically designed for easier transport from point A to point B. The classic transport chair is lightweight for simple pushing. Rollators are the perfect combination of wheelchair and walker. We also carry traditional walker aids that don’t include wheels.

Grab and Get Moving with Canes and Reachers

Canes are the original walking aid that have been around forever, and we offer several types of modern walking canes to suit your individual mobility needs. For instance, you can find ergonomic, lightweight folding canes, walking pole style canes, canes that turn into a seat and more. From time to time, we may also feature innovations such as the cane grabber combo. If you’re a fan of the quad reacher, consider the easy-to-use household reachers found right here.

Other Useful Mobility Accessories

This is the place to find other types of accessories too, including bags and baskets for walker aids, wheels for walkers, items to make a wheelchair more comfortable, steps and more.

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