Body Toolz Ingrown Toenail File

Fast relief from painful ingrown toenails.


Smooth away agonizing ingrown toenails and feel relief fast with this high quality stainless steel nail tool. The 10” length reaches toes with ease. Two-sided design features one curved side and one straight side, both with ultra-slender tips for sharp or jagged corners. Textured handle for non-slip grip. To use, slide file under problem area. Then, slowly pull the file out to thin the under-surface of the nail and relieve pressure. Repeat until nail is back to a normal shape and you feel relief. High quality stainless steel ingrown nail file. Disinfect tool ends with isopropyl alcohol or peroxide after each use.

To file away ingrown, slide file under lifted area and slowly pull file out to thin the under-surface of the nail and relieve pressure. Repeat until nail is back to a normal shape and you feel relief. Disinfect tool ends with isopropyl alcohol or peroxide after each use.

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