Seatbelt Adjusters, Set of 2
Keep your shoulder belt where it belongs.

- Description
- Is your seatbelt a real pain in the neck? Seatbelt adjusters are the best solution for getting fast relief from uncomfortable constriction caused by a too-tight seatbelt. This no-choke seatbelt comfort device is made out of strong plastic to ensure it stays put once it is installed, and installation is a piece of cake. The seatbelt adjuster is actually a clip that you attach to the bottom portion of the seatbelt. The smooth front of the clip rests comfortably against your body while the back clip faces outwards.
When in place, you can then slide the seatbelt shoulder strap through the top slot of the adjuster. You are now ready to customize the position of the shoulder strap – moving it away from the chokehold position, so that it sits comfortably on your shoulder, where it belongs. This seatbelt adjuster works great for kids, teens, short adults and other adults. Each order includes a set of two adjusters.
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